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Our Services

All our services are client-tailored. We believe each client is different, and customize our services accordingly

Digital Footprint

Proactive defense begins with understanding how nefarious actors would select their targets and design their attacks. We help you manage your online presence to reduce the attack surface

Threat Intelligence

We deliver actionable and timely intelligence based on client-provided inputs. We make sure to reduce the "noise" and you receive only intelligence you can ingest 

Vulnerability Assessment

Whether you are concerned about assessing your exposure to specific vulnerabilities, conducting a typical penetration testing, or receiving specific insights on exploits or vulnerabilities, this service is for you


You may be looking for an expert advice in connection to your security posture or security program development and tooling. We offer a dedicated service

Live Monitoring

We leverage advanced OSINT capabilities to monitor what is valuable for our clients. The service covers high-risk events, brand sentiment monitoring as well as digital assets such as brand and digital identities  


Impactful intelligence demands adaptability. Our OSINT investigation service tackles a wide variety of threats empowering you to gather the facts, benefit from relevant analytical insights, and make strategic decisions

Threat Data Feeds

In our day-to-day intelligence work we collect a large number of threat data, including indicators, TTPs, and hunting rules. We periodically share them based on a subscription plan


Pro Bono

We committed to use OSINT for good. We are astonished to learn from the news of crimes against animals and offer a pro bono service for organizations and individuals that need support to bring perpetrators to justice 

Ransomware Monitoring

We actively monitoring ransomware actors. We created "RansOmnia," a subscription-based ransomware intelligence web application that helps clients readily stay on top of new events 

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