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Live Monitoring

Timing is crucial for intelligence-driven security. We understand the importance of delivering intelligence when it is actionable. Our live monitoring service supports our clients in a diverse set of efforts intended to readily spot potential security and reputational concerns, and implement timely countermeasures. This way we prevent nefarious consequences. Our live monitoring service leverages OSINT to protect against digital and physical security threat streams 

1. Digital Assets

Our online accounts, their personal content and the related credentials are secrets most of us want to keep private. But they get leaked more often than one may think. We can let you know as soon as there are concerns about your digital assets and help you remediate them

2. Sentiment Monitoring

What do people say online about your brand, and how can you best position to improve your public image? Our live monitoring service helps keep track of this sentiment and strategize public relations accordingly 

3. High-Risk Events

Whether it is a board of directors meeting, a business or personal summit, or an executive travel, intelligence-driven security is imperative. We monitor everything that goes on online in locations of interest and inform our clients and, when appropriate, law enforcement to make our clients stay safe

4. Personal Protection

Nowadays, one doesn't need to be high-profile to be target of unwanted attention online. The social media "mob" often gang-up against common individuals. We believe social media should be a safe space for everyone, and help our clients be aware of risk-sensitive trends targeting them

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